Tell the Government : Save our local NHS!
The Government have delayed funding for vital works at the Epsom and St Helier Trust.
The last Conservative Government promised to deliver a new hospital building in Sutton by 2025 - but never brought forward the money to do so. Their shocking lie has been exposed.
After years of Conservative broken promises, the new Labour Government have put delivering a new hospital building for Sutton on a terrible waiting list.
Under the plans, works on a new building will not begin until 2032. That just isn't good enough - people will die and NHS staff will break.
St Helier Hospital is crumbling - and this could represent a terminal diagnosis for the hospital.
We have been overlooked once again - and cannot go on like this.
Deliver our new hospital building!
We the undersigned demand the Government take Epsom and St Helier Trust off the waiting-list and deliver a new hospital building urgently.